Previous month
Next month
January 2015
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Winter Break
Lawndale Calendar
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Winter Break
Lawndale Calendar
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Winter Break
Lawndale Calendar
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Winter Break
Lawndale Calendar
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Winter Break
Lawndale Calendar
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Winter Break
Lawndale Calendar
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Winter Break
Lawndale Calendar
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Winter Break
Lawndale Calendar
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Marching Band Bracelet and pen fundraiser begins
Lawndale Calendar
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
MSA Resolution Relay
11:40 AM
12:10 PM
(Basketball Courts)
Lawndale Calendar
El Camino College Info
12:30 PM
1:30 PM
Lawndale Calendar
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Santa Monica Information Presentation
10:30 AM
11:33 AM
Lawndale Calendar
Santa Monica App Workshop/Program Overview
12:16 PM
2 PM
Lawndale Calendar
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Class of 2015 Sweatshirt Sales
(Pay in the student store)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Culture Night
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Link Krew Hot Cheetos with Cheese
3 PM
4 PM
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Marching Band Concert
5 PM
6:30 PM
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Skate Club Competition
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
BCA Cookie Sales
3 PM
4 PM
Lawndale Calendar
Winter Formal Court Applications Due
3 PM
3:30 PM
Lawndale Calendar
Senior Parent Meeting
6 PM
7:30 PM
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Richstone Parenting Class
8:30 AM
10 AM
(Media Center)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
FAFSA Application Workshop - (counseling dept.)
6 PM
8 PM
Lawndale Calendar
Deaf Club Candy Sales
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
MEChA Hot Cheetos with Cheese Fundraiser
3 PM
4 PM
Lawndale Calendar
Flea Market sponsored by Deaf Club
Lawndale Calendar
Jeans for Teens
(Ms. Harbison's room 3-321)
Lawndale Calendar
Winter Formal
7 PM
10 PM
(Lawndale Community Center)
Lawndale Calendar